Specialized English

Specialized English courses for professionals and workers from different sectors who need to function in English in their working life and manage the specific language of their profession or sector.

English for HR

A course that provides the technical English you need to work in HR

Presenting your work

English for tourism professionals

Communicate more effectively in English with tourists from different nationalities

Presentation skills

A good presentation gets you recognized and remembered

Email writing in English

Write effective and convincing emails

Customer care

Communicate efficiently and cheerfully with customers in English

Negotiating and selling

Learn the language you need for negotiating and selling


Feel at ease in social situations related to the business world


Communicate easily in your trips abroad


Get ready to lead, organize or participate in meetings


Negotiate confidently and effectively

Conversation in English

Keep a conversation in English confidently and in a natural way

Medical English course

Thanks to the English course for doctors, you will be able to communicate with your colleagues and patients in English

Writing Academic English

Learn to write in English in academic contexts


Make and deal with business phone calls effectively

Financial English

Master the tools you need to work in the field of International Finance

Legal English

Master the tools you need to work in the field of International Law

Do you know what your level of English is?

Take a free English level test and choose an English course that suits your needs.


Today, English is the language of communication between people of all nationalities, and it is the second most widely spoken language in the world. Thus, learning English is important for communicating with people from other countries, both professionally and privately. Mastering English also enables us to access a greater amount of information, entertainment and knowledge.

In online English/language courses, students have a 24/7 platform where they can work at their own pace. Normally, the platforms include listening and reading comprehension skills as well as grammar and vocabulary. In tutored online courses, writing and speaking may also be included.
The concept of an online language course should not be confused with a video-conferencing language course.

If you already have a good level of general English, you can choose to take a specialised English course (called English for special purposes or English for special purposes). In this type of course, the content focuses on the vocabulary and functions needed for a particular professional area or sector. Legal English or English for tourism professionals are examples of this type of course. There are also English courses to practise and deepen a particular area or communication skill: for example, Presentation Skills or Writing emails in English.
Specialised English courses tend to be shorter as they focus exclusively on the area or skill in question and have a specific syllabus.

For in-company English courses to be effective in learning English quickly, it is not only necessary that they have a minimum number of hours per week (around three) but also that students spend time studying outside of class hours, as well as doing as many activities in English as possible, such as watching films and reading. Those who use English in their daily work activities will find that they make faster progress than other learners, as they have a greater amount of exposure to the language. The more English is used, the faster the progress will be.

Si lo que necesitas es mejorar tu nivel para una habilidad comunicativa en particular, lo mejor será escoger un curso corto de inglés que se centre en esa habilidad. Por ejemplo, si lo que necesitas es hacer presentaciones en inglés en ámbitos internacionales, puedes hacer un curso de Presentation Skills, en el que aprenderás a usar técnicas de presentación en las cuales aplicarás tus conocimientos del idioma, o uno más sencillo de Presentaciones laborales en inglés para presentaciones internas. Si el inglés lo usas para recibir y gestionar llamadas, un curso breve de Atención telefónica en inglés será lo indicado. Y así, muchos otros ejemplos. De esta manera, avanzarás más rápidamente haciendo lo que necesitas específicamente, en lugar de abordar todos los contenidos que normalmente incluye un curso de inglés regular.

Por supuesto. A diferencia de los cursos de inglés generales, en estos cursos el vocabulario y las temáticas se centran en las cuestiones específicamente laborales, y así se ejercitan la gramática y las funciones comunicativas en situaciones cotidianas relacionadas con el trabajo de los alumnos. Las temáticas en cada caso se escogen según la función o el sector de trabajo; así, invertimos el tiempo de clase exclusivamente en las áreas relevantes para los alumnos y podemos pensar en cursos de una cantidad de horas menor.